/layout.js @ 1732206458609 [Home]
/app-router/layout.js 0 @ 1732206458675 [Back To App Router]
/app-router/(route-groups)/layout.js 0 @ 1732206458675
/app-router/(route-groups)/route-groups/layout.js 0 @ 1732206458730
/app-router/(route-groups)/route-groups/page.js 0 @ 1732206458730

Route Groups

Note the path of the page.js file that contains this content. The (route-groups) directory is not included in the path. Any directory in (parentheses) is ignored, and its subdirectories are "pushed up" a level.

That's why this page can be accessed at /app-router/app-groups/ instead of /app-router/(route-groups)/route-groups/